If you’re on the journey of learning art, it is has recently come to one’s attention that taking the big or small investment of getting a grip on perspective, setting aside all the time you have and need, is one of the first and foremost things any artist for that matter needs to understand, to progress in their development.

The question of why this is the case, of course, naturally arises and for the sake of argument, it can be said that every course you’ve come across, which has its focus on the beginning student in art, usually always leans in early on the concept of perspective. It’s what makes up the world.

Besides getting some basic instruction of materials and of course simple shapes which you’ll use in perspective, perspective is as the Master Andrew Loomis says, “(…) part of every form under every condition and cannot be avoided.” Even the Old Master, Leonardo Da Vinci in his Treatise On Painting, (which is by the way free on the internet for you to read) says that “The young student should, in the first place, acquire a knowledge of perspective (…)”

Every form you will come across adheres to the rules of perspective is some way or another, and it’s most helpful for you to take the time to getting this foundation set in your mind early on. You will save a lifetime of effort with such knowledge.

Here are some helpful resources for you to use!

  • ❣ Perspective Drawing Series by Marshall Vandruff
  • ❣ Framed Perspective by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
  • ❣ Framed Perspective 2 by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
  • ❣ Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
  • ❣ Creative Perspective for Artists and Illustrators by Ernest W. Watson

Well that was all! Hope you’ll see the huge benefit and importance of learning perspective for you as the beginner or even you as the advanced artist. And of course, its there’s anything you think is worth adding, please consider leaving a comment! Your thoughts and words are valued deeply!

As always, thank you for reading!



    […] Now if you haven’t got a hang of the terms of perspective, Loomis, JUFSEN and most artist would recommend you as a beginner or even advanced artist to get the fundamentals of perspective set and clear for you. It not only helps in understanding the terms written above, but can make a huge and beneficial change in the compositions you make as an artist, for everything you draw, either in nature or from imagination must follow the rules of perspective, if the look of 3d is what you want. (Read more at, Perspective Comes First in Art) […]


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